We are hosting special Shabbat morning service in honor of our New Members from 2022-2023. We hope you can join us on Saturday, November 11 for our Shabbat morning service. If you would like to lead the reading of an English prayer, do an ark opening, or have an Aliyah on this special Shabbat, please let us know. Also, let us know if you would ever like to chant Torah or Haftorah or share thoughts on the Parsha. We welcome your involvement.
Feel free to invite your family and friends to join you on November 11, as we will be sponsoring the Kiddush in your honor.
Kindly RSVP to Hazzan Sally Heckelman or Samantha.
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions.
Hazzan Sally Heckelman, Engagement Director
Phyllis Gluck, Membership Chair