Shemini Atzeret/ Simchat Torah (including Yizkor)

October 24, 2024    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

We end the festival of Sukkot and celebrate the completion of the annual reading of the Torah. Our combined service includes new melodies for prayers, Hakafot, Torah Aliyot for all, Geshem Prayer for rain, and Yizkor. This year we will be honoring Aimee Teplinsky as Kallat HaTorah, and Ari and Laura Leifman as Chatan and Kallat Bereishit.



On Simchat Torah we will honor the life of soldier Staff Sgt Shay Arvas Z”L dedicating a new Torah cover to commemorate the victims of October 7th. Thanks to the generosity of the Rozanski family Kol Shalom participates in a project with 524 other congregations worldwide. Learn more about The Simchat Torah Project,


At the end of the service we will dedicate the new plaques on our Yizkor Board with a short ceremony.